10 style icons

Lolita Challenge!

... 10 people who inspire your lolita style.

1. Intetsu. In and out of 'lolita', I love his style. His accessories and outfit 'balance' are always spot on. Not to mention, he has amazing hair?

If you don't all ready, I recommend checking out his blog from time to time, or following his Twitter. He's a skilled photographer, and has a knack for finding the most beautiful things in every day life. He inspires me to be more optimistic.

2. MOON Kana. She's always done her own thing regardless of criticism or rejection. Not only is she a fashion icon because of her taste in clothing, but also for her original designs, which were often printed in Gothic and Lolita Bible. For quirky, unique style that works, I choose Kana.

3. Edgar Allan Poe. Just look at this suave cat. With his popping-at-the-seams waist coat and disheveled neck tie. Haha, okay, so he isn't literally my fashion icon. Rather, he is just an inspiration. 

While talking to other lolitas and reading other blogs, I noticed many people say they try to 'tell a story' with their clothing. I've always felt the same way with my own outfits, before I even discovered lolita. If I could find a voice for the stories in my closet, I'd like for them to be Poe: Haunted Romantic.

4. Niki Nohmoto, designer of Alice and the Pirates. Her designs strike the perfect balance between Gothic, Sweet, and Punk- but not really! She brings something different to the lolita table, that can only be defined as Alice and the Pirates.

Not only is her brand my favorite, but she dresses perfectly herself. This outfit, pairing striped tights with Vampire Forest, is one of my favorites!

5. Mitsu, vocalist of Dolly. Dramatic, contrasting layers, smoldering eye makeup, and spot-on accessories make him my casual style muse.

6 and 7. Dai-chan and Mikoron. (blog) Their outfits are as cute and 'pop' as Dai-chan's art! With short hemlines, thigh-highs and garters, this couple balances sex-appeal with cute.

7. Hachi, from Nana. Love her or hate her, Hachi was always my favorite. Her looks are retro, classic, and modern all at once- a mix of timeless and trendy. 

Her Sabrina dress will always be iconic to me. In the manga, she bought a vintage white dress from a store called Sabrina. The black-on-white design was remniscient of a gown Audrey Hepburn wore in the 1954 film, Sabrina. Coincidence, or inspiration?

8. Takuma. THAT SUIT! Look at that suit! That bling Vivienne Westwood buckle! Those (legit) rocking horse shoes! This is a prime example of my favorite Takuma looks. He brings a rocker's edge to anything he wears, but keeps a sophisticated flavor- a little Punk, a little Prince.

9.  Mai. (blog) She dabbles in a little bit of everything, from classic Baby pieces to the rare and controversial D. Walkalure series by Metamorphose. What really impressed me was this Angel coordinate with she wore on Halloween.

 10. Alumi-plant. (blog) Should be a poster child for S-inc. The mixed patterns, textures, and lengths are symbolic of h.Naoto, and her outfits do the brand proud. I love how her coordinates are mostly black or white, with just a suggestion of color to tie it together.

The important thing about these 'muses', whether they are bloggers, musicians, or otherwise, is that they answer to their tastes before others. People who see clothing for what it could be, not just how it is posed in a magazine. People who can imagine a world a little like our home in reality, but with something extra and ethereal. Or people who look to the past and make old things new again.

It's that creative energy that makes this fashion so exciting, and I hope there will always be fresh minds like these waiting to push the envelope.

Counting Down

Working seven days a week is starting to take its toll, but I know that it will pay off when I am in Japan. It is officially eight days until I leave now!

I think it is easier than ever to study abroad now. Don't take that the wrong way, I don't mean to make light of it- going to a foreign country to study is one of the most exciting and frightening experiences of my life. But at least in the virtual age of social networking, Youtube, and blogs, I've been able to learn a lot about where I'll be living before I set foot on the plane.

I found a Youtube channel documenting the stay of two students at my University. They had everything from campus tours, to apartment tours. So now, I all ready have a good idea of the size of my apartment, how to walk to school, and what people have in their apartments.

Did I mention how excited I am? I've never had my own little apartment before. ♥

Now, I just have to finish packing, and get on the plane. I made a packing list and estimated monthly budget today, in order to prepare.

My Melty Mermaid Princess and British Bear Jsks came in the mail.

I love how casual the British Bear Jsk can be. I would definitely wear this outfit for a sight-seeing field trip or something (but maybe with boots, which are more walking-friendly).

Melty Mermaid Princess is as lovely as I expected. My mom even told me that she preferred this print to others I've had. Right now, I don't really have an assembled coordinate. However, I can hardly wait to build one! I am thinking it will look lovely with a pure white chiffon blouse, and a white rose veil head dress with pearls. I'm definitely thinking chiffon though; something summery and sea-foamy.

Now, how about a little bit of catch-up...

Summer Purchases

Hello everyone!

I am so happy with the feedback I got here and on Facebook, for my last article. Since lots of friends said they'd like to learn more, I am preparing an "ABC's of Wa-Mode" article. 

In the meantime, I have lots of other good news. There is just 21 days until I leave for Japan, and I realized, it has been a long time since I practiced Japanese. I really need to get into the habit of reading and thinking in Japanese. Or, maybe that is just my excuse, but I made an Ameblog

Right now the entries are extremely short, because I am scared to say something wrong, haha. But you know, at first I had no idea what I was doing, but now I am working with my dictionary and figuring out many of the functions. The "Paco" tool is really cool, because you can create your own cute banners for your entries.

Anyway, how about some loli shopping? I hired a Shopping Service twice in the past month, because I was cleaning out my closet a little. First, I fell head over heels for the BTSSB "Ma Cherie" Jsk in cherry pink. I really adore it, it is so simple, but so princessy. It is probably the sweetest thing I have.

I asked idgal from LJ to get it for me from the San Francisco Baby store. Her commission price wasn't so bad- $20 for a Jsk. Her communication was excellent, she was precise and kind, and shipped quickly. And she found my first choice, which is always a plus! 

A bit of feedback though: I love collecting tags and shopping bags, but didn't get any from this transaction. Since I paid for it new, I would have liked the entire experience. This is not such a big deal though. ^^ I think idgal cuts the tags on things for customs if she sends overseas, and probably did it for my protection or out of habit.

Also fresh in the mail: my Honey Bear ring to match my Jsk. It's my first piece of jewelry from AP in all these years. It's adorable, with tons of details!

Now, I am expecting two more things: Innocent World's British Bear Jsk set, and AATP's Melty Mermaid Princess Jsk! 

Neo-Japanesque (Wa-Mode)


In Art History, Japonisme refers to an era when Western artists took influence from Japanese prints and art works.

This intercultural exchange pops up today, especially in the realm of fashion, with styles such as Mori Girl and Lolita. One style often ignored, sometimes frowned upon as 'costumey', is Neo-Japanesque style.

For the sake of "Neo-Japanesque" being a mouthful, I'd like to call it 和モデ, Wa-mode.

The aesthetic is completely different from Lolita, which is booming with Western audiences right now. But if the theory is true, that aesthetics mix across cultures, maybe this style could also take off with a Western audience.

You might be surprised to know that when I opened up my very first issue of the Gothic and Lolita Bible, I did not see lolita on the first page.